Jay Senerchia, Advisor
Jay Senerchia is founder and CEO of Island Capital Funds (“ICF”), a single-family office he established in 2002. From 2002 through 2018, Jay formed a series of limited partnerships for the benefit of ICF and other third-party clients to acquire limited partnership interests in institutional investment funds dedicated to the following asset classes: private equity, private credit, real estate, and non-US timberland. Since 2018, he has made investments solely for ICF’s account, which have included direct investments in private companies.
Prior to founding ICF, he was a founding principal from 1987-2001 of MDT Advisers (“MDTA”), an institutional money manager whose largest client at such time was the Arthur D. Little Inc.’s (“ADL”) $1B corporate pension fund, Jay had primary responsibility for identifying and managing the Alternative Investments segment of the ADL investment portfolio, which included such asset classes as private equity, real estate, oil & gas, and timberland. Notably, Jay was an early investor in search funds, having made his first such investment, on behalf of ADL, in a 1991-vintage search fund.
Prior to the formation of MDTA, Jay worked directly for ADL’s pension fund as an Investment Officer from 1982-1987. Prior to joining ADL, Jay worked as a certified public accountant for the public accounting firm PwC.
Jay holds a BS in management, magna cum laude, from Boston University.